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Hollywood Rotisserie League Debuts

Creating your own Hollywood Dream Team is easier than you think. Just follow these simple steps.

From the site that brought you Madonna's mad Oscar-night pie-fighting game (reported previously in GameSpot News), E! Online presents the interactive fantasy game Studio Boss. Similar in design to a fantasy baseball or football league, Studio Boss provides players an opportunity to take charge of Hollywood's biggest actors, directors, and writers in order to produce this summer's top-ranking blockbuster movie. Running the duration of the blockbuster season (Memorial Day through Labor Day), Studio Boss allows participants to rank and reshuffle their talent starting now through the close of the summer movie season. E! will post the numbers in two categories - weekly box-office and weekly per-screen averages. Players will be randomly grouped into "leagues" of 10, and the champion of each league will be registered for the grand prize - an all-expense paid trip to Tinseltown.

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