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Heroes of the Storm Technical Alpha goes live

Blizzard Entertainment's next effort, Heroes of the Storm, has officially entered its technical alpha phase.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

Blizzard Entertainment's upcoming Hero Brawler, Heroes of the Storm, and its techical alpha has been made available to a select number of people in the United States. The game, which aims to become Blizzard's next flagship title following the release of Hearthstone earlier in the week.

Some of the initial invitees in the alpha are former SC2 player Greg 'IdrA' Fields, as well as commentator and host Marcus 'djWHEAT' Graham streamed the game extensively after being granted access to the current version of the game. Many other popular and prominent people within the general landscape of gaming, as well as Twitch were also participating in the festivities upon receiving an invite.

Screenshots from the alpha also reveal that the game will feature an in-game currency, as well as usage of microtransactions. This is also the only source ofcontroversy surrounding the current alpha as well, as the prices between certain heroes differ by a significant margin.

Price difference between the champion Diablo, and a skin for the Zertatul hero.
Price difference between the champion Diablo, and a skin for the Zertatul hero.

As Blizzard stated in the release note of the alpha however, many things currently in the game will be subject to change, which means that current pricing may not be relevant come the game's official release.

Image Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

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