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Here's When The Obi-Wan Show Takes Place In Star Wars Timeline

Kenobi will be almost exactly in the middle between the Star Wars original and prequel trilogies.


The longstanding rumors of a Disney+ Star Wars show focusing on the life of Obi-Wan Kenobi were confirmed at D23, with actor Ewan McGregor aboard to reprise his role from the prequel trilogy. Now the company has started to explain more details, including when exactly the Kenobi show will take place.

According to Disney's official Star Wars Show, the series will take place eight years after Revenge of the Sith, which also puts it 11 years before A New Hope. That makes it almost an exact midpoint between the two trilogies, a time period when the Emperor was consolidating his power and the few remaining Jedi were in hiding.

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It's expected that the series will detail the intervening years on Tatooine, where Obi-Wan kept watch over Luke Skywalker. The future Jedi Master would only be a spry 8-year-old as of the time of this series, if he makes an appearance. The show could also include the reappearance of Darth Maul, who survived being cut in half and would currently be alive with robotic prosthetic legs as of the time of the Obi-Wan series.

The show is expected to launch in 2021. It won't be the first original Star Wars series to hit Disney+ though. The Mandalorian will launch alongside the service on November 12.

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