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HeatoN Steps Down as NiP CEO

Per Lilliefelth to take over CEO duties from Emil 'HeatoN' Christensen


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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Ninjas in Pyjamas legend Emil 'HeatoN' Christensen had already been part of the original, founding line-up of the team back in 2001, before taking up a managerial role in the renewed start-up of the organization when CS:GO came out. After several missteps and controversies Christensen rose to the CEO role after the original owner Niklas 'Fiskoo' Fischier left the organization earlier in 2014.

Despite successful endeavors, getting completely costumized NiP gear, food and even an NiP bus, it seems now that HeatoN will no longer be either CEO nor board member of the company. Instead Per Lilliefelth, a contractor previously associated as a senior manager with SteelSeries, will be taking over the CEO role.

Although no official news has been released from within the organization, came on the track of the news by checking the official credentials of the company.

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Unlike the move with Fischier, this time around Christensen will be staying within the organization, with Lilliefelth taking over the official duties while Christensen continues doing his more game-specific endeavors.

In a statement given to the new CEO said the following:

- Emil has been there from the start and created NiP, and I can not think of an NiP without him. NiP is his life's work and his baby. He will as usual be everywhere and take part in all decisions.

- I'm here for him to escape the "boring" stuff and offload him and help with business development of NiP, as it is now rapidly expanding with everything from custom products to new sponsors and partners.

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