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Have mat, no Wii Fit

I won't be able to get any Wii Fit in over the weekend because I'm still trying to find a copy of the game. I swung by my local Target on my way to work Wednesday morning, but all of the units were already claimed by customers that had started lining up before the store opened. I know it's my own...


I won't be able to get any Wii Fit in over the weekend because I'm still trying to find a copy of the game. I swung by my local Target on my way to work Wednesday morning, but all of the units were already claimed by customers that had started lining up before the store opened. I know it's my own fault for failing to pre-order the game in advance, but, seriously, preordering a fitness game? Who preorders fitness games? Everyone that has a Wii Fit, apparently.

I'll find a use for you someday, Wii Fit Mat.

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