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Hasbro Big Drink Promo

Hasbro plans to hit gamers in the mouth this summer with soft drink and games promotion.


As the summer approaches, thirsts will undoubtedly follow the hot sun. Hasbro is hoping to follow gamers this summer by signing a deal with Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc. to promote its games on 20-ounce soft-drink bottles of A&W root beer, Sunkist orange soda, and Canada Dry ales and mixers.

The Play N' Win contest will give thirsty drinkers a chance at winning one of 100,000 free Hasbro Interactive games, five computers, and four grand prizes of a dream vacation. Even if you don't win one of the PC games - which include Frogger, Glover, Centipede, and Game of Life - each bottle will offer a five-dollar discount on any of Hasbro Interactive's CD-ROM games.

Good luck.

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