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Halo: Reach matchmaking update inbound

Bungie tentatively schedules tweaks to online modes for March 29; revision brings laundry list of changes including new game types and more community maps.

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Halo: Reach was a popular game for developer Bungie and publisher Microsoft. The game minted $200 million in its first 24 hours and has gone on to move more than 3.3 million units. To date, more than 1.3 billion Reach games have been played, and the sci-fi shooter has welcomed two map packs. Now, the developer has announced the next overhaul coming to planet Reach.

In the latest Bungie Weekly Update, the Washington state developer offered word on the Halo: Reach April Matchmaking update. The online overhaul is penciled in for release over Xbox Live on March 29, but Bungie said that date is subject to change, as the team has not yet finished testing it.

Changes are in store for inhabitants of planet Reach.
Changes are in store for inhabitants of planet Reach.

As for the update, the April Matchmaking revision will see a laundry list of changes to Halo's online universe. These updates include the addition of new game types and more community-made maps into the multiplayer hopper, as well as the implementation of a list of minor tweaks.

Specifically, a new four-on-four Action Sack playlist will find its way to the Halo: Reach online sphere. This playlist includes the new game types Power Slayer, Speedpile, Speedflag, and HammerBall/Hockey. Another new four-versus-four playlist arriving at the end of the month is Team Classic. This new hopper includes game variants with no equipment or custom settings. Additionally, games within this playlist will feature community-made remakes of classic Halo environments.

For the full list of changes coming to Halo: Reach's online experience, check out Bungie's post. Fore more on Bungie's futuristic sci-fi shooter, check out GameSpot's review of Halo: Reach.

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