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Halo Reach Anniversary map pack hits November 15

Seven multiplayer arenas featured in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary to be available in last year's Halo for $15.


Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is set to bring the original Xbox first-person shooter into the modern era. Along with the single-player campaign, the game includes a number of new multiplayer maps. However, the HD rerelease won't be the only way to get them.

You don't have to buy into the Chief's original journey to enjoy new Halo maps.
You don't have to buy into the Chief's original journey to enjoy new Halo maps.

Microsoft announced today that the seven maps included in Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary will also be made available separately via Xbox Live for 1,200 Microsoft points ($15). The Halo: Reach-compatible list of maps includes Battle Canyon, Breakneck, High Noon, Penance, Ridgeline, Solitary, and Installation 04. This list represents six competitive multiplayer maps and one arena for the cooperative Firefight mode.

Playlists featuring these new maps will go live the morning of November 14. This will allow matchmaking playlists to be populated across regions and ready for the launch of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary on November 15.

Developed by 343 Industries, Saber Interactive, and Certain Affinity, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is a rerelease of the original Halo game with a fully remastered campaign, Xbox Live co-op support, and the aforementioned multiplayer maps. It will be compatible with the Kinect and will let gamers switch between classic and updated graphics with one button press.

For more on the rerelease, check out GameSpot's previous coverage of Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary.

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