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Halo: MCC Season 8 Mythic Release Date And New Trailer Revealed For Big Update

Microsoft invites players to "go medieval" with the newest seasonal update arriving next week.


Halo: The Master Chief Collection's Season 8 update will be released on October 13, Microsoft has announced. Season 8 is called Mythic, and the centerpiece of the update is a series of new warrior-themed cosmetics that are some of the wildest for Halo to date.

"Go medieval," Microsoft said in the announcement trailer, which features narration by franchise director Frank O'Connor. "From its earliest days, humanity has always fought. Yet amidst the bloodshed, seeds of both destruction and salvation were found," O'Connor says. "There are those who wonder if warriors will ever disappear from this world. But most already know the answer. For whether it's throughout our own universe or in the fractured remnants of countless others, there will always be warriors. And there will always be war."

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Now Playing: Halo The Master Chief Collection Season 8 Go Medieval Trailer

In addition to the numerous pieces of armor themed around historical warriors, the Mythic update adds a new post-match screen for Halo 3 that shows the top three players in a pose of their choosing. Season 8 also marks the introduction of the long-awaited custom game browser, as well as a new map, Icebox, for Halo 3.

The content for Season 8 was previously made available to testers as part of a beta test, or flight. The full Season 8 patch notes are not available yet, but keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest.

This will be MCC's final seasonal update of 2021, as developer 343 shifts its focus to Halo Infinite and supporting that game at launch and beyond. The game's latest beta test wrapped up this weekend, and you can check out some incredible plays here.

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