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Half-Life: Alyx Devs Will Answer Your Burning Questions During Reddit AMA

What do you want to know?


It's a good time to be a Half-Life fan. All of the Half-Life games are currently free on Steam, and a brand-new entry in the series, Half-Life: Alyx, is releasing in March. There are still many unanswered questions about the VR-only PC game, and Valve plans to answer (at least some) of those questions very soon.

Valve has now announced it will hold an AMA on Reddit for Half-Life: Alyx this Wednesday, January 22, beginning at 9 AM PT. The developer is asking fans to submit "all your burning questions" about Half-Life: Alyx, and it may answer "some" of them. Check back with GameSpot around then, as we'll collect some of the most interesting and noteworthy responses.

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Now Playing: Half-Life: Alyx Shouldn't Be Delayed - GS News Update

Half-Life: Alyx is exclusive to VR, but it will work with any major PC VR headset you may have. The game is compatible with the Valve Index, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest (with Link), HTC Vive headsets, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. You can pre-order it on Steam for $54 USD.

As for the freebie offer, you can currently grab all seven of the main Half-Life instalments right now on Steam for the low, low price of $0.00. Click through the links below to get going. The games are free to play until Half-Life: Alyx releases.

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