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Guitar Hero set list unveiled

RedOctane runs down its rhythm rocker's repertoire for virtual Van Halens; actual Van Halens conspicuous by their absence.


Reports are hitting message boards around the Internet that Guitar Hero, officially scheduled for release next week, has already arrived in some stores. But for half-baked Hendrixes, aspiring Allmans, and imitation Iommis who haven't yet secured their own copy but want to know what tunes need simulated shredding, publisher RedOctane unveiled the game's soundtrack today. In addition to 17 original tracks from current independent acts ("Fire It Up" by Zakk Wylde's Black Label Society and Graveyard BBQ's "Cheat on the Church" featured among them), Guitar Heroes also features covers of the following hits:

"Ace Of Spades"
"Bark at the Moon"
"Cowboys from Hell"
"Fat Lip"
"Heart Full of Black"
"Hey You"
"Higher Ground"
"I Love Rock 'n' Roll"
"I Wanna Be Sedated"
"Iron Man"
"Killer Queen"
"More than a Feeling"
"No One Knows"
"Sharp Dressed Man"
"Smoke on the Water"
"Spanish Castle Magic"
"Symphony of Destruction"
"Take It Off"
"Take Me Out"
"Texas Flood"
"Thunderkiss '65"
"You've Got Another Thing Comin"
"Ziggy Stardust"

Guitar Hero is rated T for Teen and retails for $69.99, which includes a guitar peripheral for proper rocking and/or rolling. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's full review.

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