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Golgotha Demo Blows You Away

Crack dot Com is giving hard-core gamers an inside peek at its action title in development.


Crack dot Com has made a demo of its upcoming title, Golgotha, available to hard-core gamers and other interested parties.

A combination real-time strategy game and 3-D shooter, Golgotha borrows its approach from the classic Rescue Raiders, which Sirtech made for the Apple II in 1984.

Company president Dave Taylor stresses that this demo is not intended as a beta test, and players should not send bug reports to the company.

Crack dot Com is still exploring its options for publishing the title. Though an unconventional move in this industry, drawing back the curtain on the product to a public audience may result in some tasty future deals for the Texas-based company.

To access the Golgotha demo, use the following login and password: Golgotha, golgothaday.

The game is expected to ship in November.

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