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Golfers and developers get set for big prizes

$2,000 available to players of Shot-Online and $5,000 on offer to developers of GP2X games or applications.


Shot Online, the massively multiplayer online golfing game for the PC, is offering players the chance to win cash prizes from a pot of $2,000. The 3rd Professional Tournament will begin on June 23 at midnight (Current Server Time, according to the Shot Online Web site) and run for four days. Players with characters ranked semipro or higher will be able to contest the prizes, with the winner taking $1,000 and the remainder split among the three runners-up. The competition costs 1,000,000 NG for each entry.

A competition for developers has also been announced by the creators of the Linux-based handheld console the GP2X. GP32/2X Distribution and Gamepark Holdings are offering a $5,000 prize as an incentive for developers to develop games or applications to run on the open-source unit. The entries will be judged by a panel of gaming experts in September. More information on the GP2X can be found on the official Web site.

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