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Get A Switch Online Family Membership For Cheap With Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Save $20 on this ultimate bundle of modern and classic Mario Bros. games.


If you're looking for a colorful and nostalgic platforming romp, you can't go wrong with Super Mario Bros. Wonder on the Nintendo Switch. Easily one of the best Switch games of the year, Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a delightful and inventive side-scroller that belongs in every Switch library. Over at Antonline, you can get the new 2D platforming Mario Bros. game and a year-long subscription to Nintendo Switch Online for only $75, giving you a great game, access to its online multiplayer features, and plenty of extras, including a library of classic Mario games. If you just want the game by itself, you can grab it for $50 right now (down from $60).

The bundle offers a total savings of $20, essentially netting you a Switch Online family membership for $15 (normally $35). With the family membership, up to eight Nintendo Accounts can use the Nintendo Switch Online membership service. You'll also gain access to a curated library of over 100 NES, Super Nintendo, and Game Boy titles.

The Nintendo Switch Online library has a terrific number of classic Mario games, so if you're in the mood for a retro slice of action, you can dive into titles like Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario Kart, and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

As for the game in this deal, Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a modern-day masterpiece of tight level design and wholesome fun that's made better by the new Wonder Seed gameplay mechanics. Your Switch Online membership will unlock online features in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, including private rooms where you can play with your friends, and a community-focused option where you can see the shadows of random players and even provide/receive help via the new standees (which drop hints).

"Super Mario Bros. Wonder is a bold choice for a name. It plants a flag in the ground that suggests anything less than a constant sense of awe and delight will be a failure by its own terms," Steve Watts wrote in GameSpot's Super Mario Bros. Wonder review. "But then, surprisingly, Mario Wonder rises to the challenge and the result is a modern classic. The Wonder effects are the marquee feature, and for good reason, as they serve as a springboard for a cornucopia of creativity."

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