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GameSpot's F.E.A.R. Tournament

For those of you who have the F.E.A.R. game, and a Total Access subscription, we have a CTF tournament at your disposal. Registration for Fight the F.E.A.R. has opened today, and will end on Tuesday at 3pm PT. Timeslots are filling up quickly so by the time you make up your mind, don't give up!...

For those of you who have the F.E.A.R. game, and a Total Access subscription, we have a CTF tournament at your disposal. Registration for Fight the F.E.A.R. has opened today, and will end on Tuesday at 3pm PT. Timeslots are filling up quickly so by the time you make up your mind, don't give up! Waitlisted players have a chance to take a spot by a no-show player for the team they are on the waitlist for.  Sign up for the waitlist because it's never too late to get your competitive nature in motion.

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