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G4 founder Hirschhorn vacates top slot

Neal Tiles, with a history at DirecTV and Fox, takes over as CEO.


The gamecentric cable television network G4 has swapped out its CEO--according to the exiting CEO himself, Charles Hirschhorn. In an e-mail, Hirschhorn said he was "passing the baton" to Neal Tiles. Tiles was the executive vice president of marketing at DirecTV until his departure there in June, which was publicly called "voluntary." Prior to DirecTV, Tiles was executive vice president of marketing for Fox Sports and Fox Sports Net.

In the e-mail, Hirschhorn said, "My cable TV/video game adventure has been extraordinary and nicely complemented the efforts I've made over the past 20 years in movies, network TV, animation, and live-action programming."

Hirschhorn founded G4 in 2002 with the financial backing of the Comcast cable company, which owns the network. Prior to that, Hirschhorn was at The Walt Disney Company for 10 years, where he held management roles in both the motion picture and television divisions. For a period of time, Hirschhorn held the title President of Walt Disney Television and Television Animation. Before joining Disney, Hirschhorn was VP of Development for Fox Broadcasting, where he managed the network's prime-time programming.

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