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Futuristic Sports Game Shows Off

Swedish developer seeks publisher for its impressive-looking futuristic sports title, Blitz-Disc Arena.


We've seen all sorts of game, and we're well aware of independent developers hoping to make it big. Today, SouthEnd Interactive sent along the latest shots of its 21st century first-person sports title, Blitz-Disc Arena, and while we're known as skeptics, the game looks as though it could bring some interesting elements to the next generation of futuristic sports games. Play consists of two teams of up to five players each. They have to pass a special metallic disk to one another as they make their way toward a goal at either one of an arena (a combination of ultimate Frisbee meats American Football). And without many rules governing players, possession of the disc can get a bit hostile.

Gameplay will be done over the Internet as players enter the game in the popular first-person perspective, and as players win matches, their stats will be uploaded to SouthEnd's ranking system so competitive players can find worthy opponents.

Some interesting high-end features are proposed for the game and its Blitz Engine with real-time software bump mapping, full lighting and shadows, and a skeletal animation system for characters.

The Sweden-based developer hopes to release the game to the public sometime in late 2000 and is currently looking for a publisher.

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