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Frogger Hops Onto Seinfeld

The famous hopper of video gaming to appear on a show about nothing.


As Seinfeld quickly moves toward its last episode, it presents one of the few excuses to step away from your PC or shut off you console. The second to last episode has a real surprise in store for gamers. That episode, set to air on Thursday, is called "The Frogger" and stars you know who.

In the episode, George Costanza becomes obsessed with the old Frogger arcade game, and eventually he holds the high score at the local arcade. When he learns that the arcade is about to close, he leaps into action to save the game - and even attempts to steal it.

Hasbro Interactive, the maker of the new version of Frogger, swears that it had nothing to do with Frogger being in the episode but says that it shows how much retro games are making a comeback.

The new version of Frogger has sold almost one million units since last November (for both the PC and the Sony PlayStation). Hasbro says that it will be publicizing the Frogger titles due to the game's appearance.

Also, in celebration of the game's on-air showing, select EB and EBX locations are offering US$5 off the purchase of Frogger for the PC or PlayStation.

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