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Fortnite Free Guy Quests: How To Unlock Ryan Reynolds Emote

The Free Guy skin will also be in the Item Shop this week.


Fortnite is almost always in the midst of a collaboration with someone or something, and the latest is Free Guy, the Ryan Reynolds live-action comedy about a man who discovers he's actually an NPC in a sandbox video game. While a Guy skin is coming to the Item Shop very soon, you don't have to spend a single V-Buck to earn his emote and finish off some bonus challenges. Here's what you need to know about the Fortnite Free Guy collaboration.

Fortnite Free Guy Quests

Between August 12 and September 6, all Fortnite players will have access to the Free Guy quests, a range of new in-game quests as delivered to you by Ryan Reynolds' character via new video-enabled ATM machines popping up all over the island. Just like you've been taking orders from Slone via payphone all season, you'll now be taking orders from the Deadpool star via his latest fourth wall-breaking role. Here are the Free Guy challenges:

  • Get hit by a moving vehicle (1)
  • Take melee damage (1)
  • Place coins around the map (3)
  • Talk with any NPC (1)
  • Reboot or revive teammates, or interact with campfires (1)

Doing the above challenges will grant you the Free Guy emote, which includes a voice line straight from the movie. Once you've unlocked it, you'll have one more challenge to complete:

  • Use Free Guy emote near any opponent (1)
Almost every named location has one ATM.
Almost every named location has one ATM.

Look for ATMs in any major location. You'll know when you're close because your mini-map will show a speech bubble just like it does when you're approaching any other Fortnite NPC. If you're not being swarmed by enemy players, you can enjoy the one-liners Reynolds delivers with each quest, or just head off to complete the quest right away. While these quests don't reward XP, they do deposit Gold Bars into your account once completed--and the free emote is a nice bonus too.

Fortnite Free Guy Skin

If your appreciation for Ryan Reynolds' biting wit goes beyond a free emote, you can find his character, Guy, in the Item Shop starting on August 12 at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET. No price has yet been revealed and the skin is a strange one if you haven't seen the movie.

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Of course, that's just the start of the busiest week of Fortnite challenges we've ever seen. Don't miss the Week 10 challenges, Week 10 Alien Artifacts, the Superman quests, or the Rift Tour quests. There's a ton on offer this week.

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