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Final Fantasy XI update

Get the latest on SquareSoft's upcoming online role-playing game, complete with new screenshots.


SquareSoft has released new screenshots from and information on Final Fantasy XI through the game's official Japanese Web site. The screens highlight several locations within the massive world of Vana Dir, which serves as the primary setting for the game. The three main character classes--hume, elveren, and tartar--and a variety of individual character models within each class are also shown in the screens.

In the game, players will travel through three primary kingdoms: Bastaque, Sandoria, and Windus. Within these massive kingdoms, players will find fortified cities, outpost towns, secret caves, forests, rivers, and other environmental objects, and each kingdom is inhabited by one of the playable character classes and variety of other indigenous creatures. The Final Fantasy XI world runs on its own clock and will evolve in a visual sense. For example, in the game, the day will turn to night and then back again in real time.

Final Fantasy XI has currently been officially announced for the Sony PlayStation 2 and PC platforms. The game will arrive in Japan in spring 2002. No word on the release dates for the remaining markets.

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