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F-16 Aggressor Flies From VIE

Combat sim due later this year from Virgin Interactive.


Virgin Interactive is bringing flight sim F-16 Aggressor to retail in the fourth quarter.

The game is being developed by General Simulations Inc. for Virgin. And one of GSI's main goals, it seems, is realism: The company says that the real-time flight dynamics engine they're using in F-16 Aggressor was developed over the past seven years and has been used by the US Air Force and defense contractors for military simulations. GSI also says that theirs is the only F-16 flight sim on the market to feature an "explicit and complete model of the Fighting Falcon's fly-by-wire flight control system."

Players will fly the plane as a "mercenary ace pilot extraordinaire" and will participate in 40 missions that take place over four campaigns set in Africa. Those missions will include deep strikes, raids, reconnaissance, and air and ground-support missions. The player's F-16 pilot will come up against F-15s, SU-27s, Cobra Attack copters, and land- or sea-based targets such as T-80 tanks, APCs, carriers, and cruisers.

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