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EVGA's motherboard expansion

Video card manufacturer changes its name and announces plans to expand into motherboards and RAID storage cards.


Video card manufacturer has announced that it is expanding its product line to include Nvidia nForce-based motherboards and Netcell RAID storage cards. The company has also changed its name to "EVGA," dropping the "e" prefix and ".com" suffix used all too often by dot-com-era technology companies.

EVGA's move into motherboards highlights the thin line between video card manufacturing and manufacturing motherboards, although it has been far more common for motherboard manufacturers to make the jump into video cards. Hardware manufacturers such as Asus, MSI, and Gigabyte all started out as motherboard manufacturers before venturing into the 3D video card market.

The new EVGA motherboards will be based on the Nvidia nForce4 chipset for the AMD Athlon 64 platform. EVGA will announce model selection and price information later this quarter.

EVGA has also announced several new video card products that will also be available this quarter, including the e-GeForce 6200 w/Turbo Cache, e-GeForce 6000 series AGP cards, and SLI twin packs that feature matched e-GeForce 6600 or e-GeForce 6800 PCI Express video cards.

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