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ESL One returns to Frankfurt

After a successful 2014 Dota 2 venture, ESL returns to Frankfurt for another edition.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

ESL One Frankfurt 2014
ESL One Frankfurt 2014

ESL has revealed some of their Dota 2 plans for 2015 and they include another trip to Frankfurt. After an incredibly successful debut in the Commerzbank-Arena, the Dota 2 action is back. Boasting a prize pool of $150,000 (which can be further increased by community contributions), we are promised an even better experience than last year. Tickets are going on sale on Monday, 15th December 17:00 CET so make sure you start planning your visit to Germany now.

In addition to the main tournament, there will be an Exclusive Shop on site with Dota 2 merchandise where both apparel, collectibles and hardware will be sold. So if you want to watch top quality Dota 2 action, meet your favourite online personalities and have a great time, the Commerzbank-Arena in Frankfurt is the place to be!

ESL One Frankfurt 2015 is set to take place from the 21st to 22nd June, 2015.

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