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Epic Games Store Picks Up Another PC Timed-Exclusive

Some people are not happy.


The Epic Games Store has locked down yet another timed exclusive PC release. Developer Mobius Digital has confirmed that its crowdfunded sci-fi game Outer Wilds will be released on PC through the Epic Games Store as a timed exclusive. In an update to its page on the crowdfunding site Fig, Mobius said the game will come to "additional platforms" later.

The game is also coming to console on Xbox One through a partnership with Xbox.

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Mobius said it is is aware that fans want Outer Worlds on Steam (and other systems). The studio said fans can "rest assured" that their feedback is heard. The overall goal is to "bring the game to your preferred platform as quickly as possible."

Regarding its deals with Xbox and Epic, as well as publisher Annapurna Interactive, Mobius said these deals have allowed the studio to "keep our small studio running long enough to ship the game at the level of quality that it is today." The team added: "Each of these partnerships has enabled us to make the game better and more accessible for everyone who will play it."

Some backers are not happy about the Epic Games Store exclusivity. A number of people wrote in the Fig comments to voice their displeasure over the announcement.

Outer Wilds is just the latest title that Epic has scooped up as a timed exclusive. Just last week, Epic announced a deal with Ubisoft to bring Ghost Recon: Breakpoint to the Epic Games Store as a timed exclusive (it will also be available on Ubisoft's Uplay, but not Steam at launch).

The games Metro: Exodus and The Division 2 launched on the Epic Games Store as timed exclusives, while upcoming titles like Borderlands 3, The Outer Worlds, and Control also have deals in place. Valve's Steam marketplace has historically dominated the PC gaming space, and it still does, but Epic is trying to take a piece of the pie by spending money on exclusives. Epic also offers a seemingly attractive package where it offers publishers/developers an 88 percent of game sale revenue compared to what is believed to be 70 percent on Steam.

Epic's decision to buy exclusives has frustrated some fans, so it will be interesting to see how the company deals with the public relations factor of the situation. All of this has been made possible thanks to the unthinkable global success of Fortnite and all the money it's brought in.

Mobius raised more than $126,000 in 2015 to develop Outer Wilds.

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