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E3 2018: Watch EA Play Press Conference -- Star Wars, Anthem, Battlefield 5

E3 is here, and it all begins with EA's EA Play event.


It's almost E3 2018, and that means lots of press conferences to watch. The first of them is EA Play, and it takes place on Saturday, June 9, starting at 11 AM PT / 2 PM ET / 7 PM BST. As in past years, you'll be able to watch here on GameSpot, as we'll be hosting all of the big briefings that run through June 12.

Come back on Saturday to watch the entire show, which is called EA Play. We'll also have a pre-show beginning at 10:30 AM PT / 1:30 PM PT, and then a post-show after EA wraps up. If you can't watch or prefer your news in text form, we'll have a play-by-play liveblog of EA's briefing as well.

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Now Playing: E3 2018 EA Play Livestream Full Press Conference

EA Play is expected to have big news on EA's biggest upcoming games like Battlefield V and Anthem, as well all the EA Sports titles, especially FIFA given that it's a World Cup year. We are also expecting surprise game reveals and other unexpected announcements.

The press conferences continue with Microsoft and Bethesda on Sunday, with Ubisoft and Sony following on Monday, and then Nintendo on Tuesday. Here is the full E3 2018 press conference schedule.

The E3 show floor is open June 12-14. Keep checking back in the days ahead for lots more on E3 2018.

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