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E3 2017: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Holiday 2017 Release Date Confirmed

The sequel to the Wii's most notable RPG will be out before the end of the year.


Today during its Nintendo Spotlight presentation, Nintendo announced that Monolith Soft's upcoming Switch RPG Xenoblade Chronicles 2, will be released during the 2017 holiday season. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 was first announced back in January during Nintendo's official unveiling of its Switch console.

Though it's not a direct follow-up to the original Xenoblade Chronicles game, originally released for Wii in 2012, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will present a world that bears the same sense of scale as its predecessor, encompassing its massive environments, enemies, and the number of quests that dot the world. One of the biggest changes for the series is the involvement of character designer Masatsugu Saito, whose influence has imparted the game with a new, anime-like aesthetic.

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Now Playing: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Gameplay Trailer - E3 2017

During its short-but-sweet press conference, Nintendo also announced that the beloved car-soccer game Rocket League is coming to Switch at the end of 2017. In addition, it revealed a new Kirby game and a new Yoshi game, both of which look gorgeous. To catch up on everything that was announced during the Nintendo Spotlight presentation, you can check out this roundup of all the Nintendo announcements. For more, check out our E3 2017 hub.

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