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E3 2017: Watch 30 Minutes Of Assassin's Creed Origins Gameplay Here

Eagles and outposts.


Ubisoft's E3 2017 press conference may have only lightly addressed Assassin's Creed: Origins with a short trailer, but as soon as the briefing ended, it proceeded to release 30 minutes of gameplay.

The lengthy demo goes into depth, showing off a lot of the different mechanics and systems that you can expect when the game is released. Many of its systems are significantly different from past Assassin's Creed games, and this is the longest look we've gotten yet at how they work in-game. Check it out above.

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Now Playing: 30 Minutes of Assassin's Creed Origins Xbox One X Gameplay - E3 2017

You can see that there are some Far Cry-inspired elements to the game; among other things, you can now release lions from cages to go rampaging through enemies.

We've tried out Assassin's Creed: Origins already and came away impressed. You can read our impressions of the game here. The game is coming out on October 27 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It'll feature enhancements on Xbox One X and PS4 Pro. It also has a lot of special editions, including one that costs $800.

E3 2017 is happening now and we're covering all the reveals and announcements coming out of the conference. The biggest story so far is the official reveal of the Xbox One X, which will support native 4K for many games such as Origins. Keep an eye on our hub all of this week, because there's still a lot more of E3 left to go.

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