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Dota Pit announces Season 2

The new and improved Dota Pit league is coming shortly and will boast a bigger prize purse and more competitors.


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Dota Pit Season 2 is set to return in just a matter of days. The tournament will begin on the 25th September and end on 30th November, meaning 2 months of quality Dota 2 action. A ticket bundle will be available and each purchase will add $1.25 to, the much improved from last season, prize pool of $75,000. In addition, the Sorcerer of the Black Pool set is included in the ticket bundle.

To tackle the issue of conflicting with Starladder's tenth season, the organizers decided to let the tournament run throughout Starladder X and continue after its end in order to avoid inconveniences. You can the complete list of participating teams below. As of now, only Natus Vincere have declined participation due to their unwillingness to play on the U.S. East servers.

  • Evil Geniuses
  • Team Empire
  • Team Secret
  • Team Tinker
  • Alliance
  • Cloud 9
  • Virtus Pro Polar
  • Virtus Pro
  • Power Ranger
  • Meet Your Makers
  • Sneaky Nyx Assassins
  • Complexity Gaming
  • Moscow 5
  • Fnatic
  • Natus Vincere US
  • Denial Esports

The competitors will be separated into two groups and will have to decide the winners of each in a best-of-two format. Each map victory is worth one point. The first place holders from both groups advance directly to the semi-finals, while the second place holders advance to the quarter-finals. The 3rd/4th place holders from both groups will battle it out for the remaining quarter-final spots. Playoffs will adopt the single-elimination bracket with the Grand Finals being best-of-five.

The tournament begins on the 25th September with English casting from HighGround.TV.

Daniel Yordanov is a reporter for onGamers, you can follow him on Twitter.

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