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Dota 2 TI4 Patches – Content Analysis

This content analysis covers the patches that were released during this year's International event. Includes previews of all the new chests, golden immortals and more.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

Front End Changes

Treasure Chests

Hero's Heirloom

This chest contains some of the items/sets that were previously only available from the TI4 secret shop's economy cards.

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The majority of these items have been seen in a previous content analysis post with the exception of the items listed below.

Redpaw Courier

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Scorching Talon

Includes custom flaming ambient and hook particle effect.

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Champion's Chest

This chest contains some of the items/sets that were previously only available from the TI4 secret shop's economy cards.

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Trove Carafe

This chest contains a new set of Immortals along with the rare chance of unboxing a Doomling courier. The codes from TI4 merchandise will provide Genuine Immortals instead.

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Lamb to the Slaughter

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Severing Crest

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Pale Mausoleum

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Golden Trove Carafe

This chest is only available via the codes that come with the rare golden Demiheroes sold at the TI4 secret shop. The item unboxed will be a Genuine Golden Immortal with the rare chance of unboxing a Golden Doomling courier.

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Golden Lamb to the Slaughter

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Golden Gravelmaw

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Golden Empyrean

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Golden Severing Crest

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Golden Pale Mausoleum

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Golden Doomling

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Lockless Luckvase

This year's lockless box can be purchased directly from the Dota 2 store as well as coming with merchandise sold at TI4. The TI4 version provides Genuine items.

Mania's Mask

Provides a custom loadout, idle and rare idle animations. Also includes a custom mask of madness effect.

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Inverse Bayonet

Provides a custom rare idle and attack animations. Also includes a custom tidebringer effect.

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White Sentry

Provides alternatives for all of CM's animations. Also includes a custom ambient effect.

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Elixir of Dragon's Breath

Provides a custom Thunder Clap effect. Also includes a custom ambient effect.

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Crystal Dryad

Provides a custom cleave effect. Also includes a new attack animation.

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Blade of Tears

Provides a new Adaptive Strike effect. Also includes a custom ambient effect.

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Flourishing Lodestar

Provides a custom death animations along with a death effect that sprouts multiple butterflies out of her body when Enchantress dies.

If your name is Godz scroll past this section.

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Swift Claw

Provides a custom ambient effect. BEAR.

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Soul Diffuser

Provides a custom ambient effect. Also includes a new Desolate effect.

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Splattering Forcipule

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Geodesic Eidolon

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International 2014 Couriers

This year's International 2014 couriers are available directly from the new chests. You will either unbox a standard version which comes with the normal ambient effect or an Unusual version which comes with this year's "Champion's Purple" effect.

Champion's Purple Effect Preview

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"Long-thwarted in their astrological studies, Octopi have since time immemorial sought to better understand the world around them and their place in the larger universe. The breakthrough came when a powerful piece of divine technology drifted down from the gods above, an anointed gift, that the secrets of the world be unlocked. Thus did Oculopus rise to prominence, the greatest underwater astronomer that the world had ever known."

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Mechjaw the Boxhound

"Between their experiments in transdimensional science, a pair of engineers in the facility atop the Violet Plateau designed a device to store and protect their most valuable valuables. Had those engineers not been eaten by indescribable horrors, they surely would have become rich!"

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"What strange beast is this? Why, it's Frull--faithful four- footed freighter of mercantile wares. She may be a beast but she's also a lady, and your goods are never a burden to her!"

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Hwytty & Shyzzyrd - From The Blindbox Plushies

"We encountered unexpected delays! the old rider croaked, but his words did nothing to lessen the curse-wife's displeasure. In an instant, the perpetually tardy partnership found itself vendor-swapped! Despite his many infirmities, the elder Hwytty must now strap on Shyzzyrd's saddlebags. And it's plain to see who wears the magic hat in this relationship!"

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Other International Items

Windrunner's Rainmaker

This item comes with a Windrunner tshirt sold at TI4. Includes a custom power shot effect.

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Cosmetic Item Updates

Tiny's Ice Elemental Skin

The head piece on Tiny's Ice Elemental Skin now supports facial flexing meaning his face will regain the facial functionality such as moving his mouth when talking.

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New League Passes

Dota 2 Latino Cup Season 2

"Dota 2 Latino enters its second season with support from DreamLive TV and will feature 32 Latin American teams competing for a grand prize of $300!"

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Gamersportperu Season 6

"32 teams will compete in the sixth season of Gamersportperu with a prize pool of 2,000 Peruvian Nuevos!"

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Balkan Challenger

"Dota 2 Serbia brings you the Balkan Challenger where teams from Europe will compete for a prize pool and Logitech Gaming Gear in value of $800!"

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Dota 2 Canada Cup Season 3

"The Canada Cup is back! Featuring some of the finest teams from North and South America. This bundle includes the Bearzky courier!"

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Includes the Bearzky courier

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UI Updates

Dashboard UI

The dashboard was updated with an International purple theme and a new loading screen.

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Lobby UI

For the new dedicated observer system a camera icon has been added to the lobby UI in order to allow a broadcaster to specify that they are the camera man.

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Chest UI

This year's International has changed how the signature system works. You can now purchase some of the chests from above and apply your favourite personalities signature onto it.

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The chest UI also supports scrolling through bundles that contain more than one item.

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Broadcaster UI

This year's International debuted the first set of newbie streams, the broadcasters for this role were made to stand out via the new scroll on the broadcaster UI.

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International Announcements/Side Stage/Pods

The announcements panel, side stage and pods were all updated for this year's event.

The announcement panel cycles through fantasy scores, a schedule for the Workshop Area and also keeps you up to date on the current match up.

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The pods were updated to display more information such as item purchase notifications, buybacks and who is carrying the Rapier.

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The side stage section was also updated with team introductions during the loading phase and then hero stats during the draft.

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Back End Changes

Updated Strings

The end game screen now displays a team name if available instead of Radiant/Dire.

"DOTA_Winner_Teamname" "%s1 Victory"

Techies strings.

"npc_dota_techies_land_mine" "Land Mine"

"npc_dota_techies_stasis_trap" "Stasis Trap"

"npc_dota_techies_remote_mine" "Remote Mine"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_small_radius" "FULL DAMAGE RADIUS:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_land_mines_big_radius" "HALF DAMAGE RADIUS:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_stasis_trap_activation_time" "ACTIVATION DELAY:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_small_radius" "FULL DAMAGE RADIUS:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_big_radius" "PARTIAL DAMAGE RADIUS:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_suicide_damage" "FULL DAMAGE:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_Description" "Plants an invisible mine that will only activate when triggered. Does not damage buildings."

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_radius" "EXPLOSION RADIUS:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_activation_time" "ACTIVATION DELAY:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_duration" "MINE DURATION:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_ability_techies_remote_mines_radius_scepter" "SCEPTER EXPLOSION RADIUS:"

"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_techies_remote_mines_self_detonate" "PINPOINT DETONATE"

"DOTA_Tooltip_Ability_techies_remote_mines_self_detonate_Description" "Detonates this remote mine only."

"npc_dota_hero_techies_bio" "Techies Demolitions! We put the tech in tech-nically we meant to do that."

Strings for the new lobby cameraman system.

"lobby_slot_cameramanalready" "Broadcaster Channels can only have one Camera man"

"lobby_slot_cameramanon" "You are now flagged as a camera man"

"lobby_slot_cameramanoff" "You are no longer a camera man"

The special gamemode used in the all stars match. KABOOM.

"game_mode_AllStarDraft" "All-Star Draft"

The Dota 2 workshop will soon support chat emoticons.

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"DOTA_Workshop_SubmissionType_Images_Desc" "Submissions comprised of images such as Loading Screens, HUD Skins, Ability Icons and Chat Emoticons."

The International courier flavour text for the new chests.

"DOTA_UnusualCourier_International_2014" "International 2014 Courier"

"DOTA_UnusualCourier_International_2014_Desc" "You might find one of three new couriers for the 2014 International randomly inserted into your treasure."

New store banners.

"StoreBanner_Header_TroveCarafe" "The Trove Carafe"

"StoreBanner_Text_TroveCarafe" "Special items with custom effects fresh for the International"

"StoreBanner_Header_LocklessLuckvase" "The Lockless Luckvase"

"StoreBanner_Text_LocklessLuckvase" "A collection of elite items designed for the International"

"StoreBanner_Header_SculptorsPillar" "The Sculptor's Pillar"

"StoreBanner_Text_SculptorsPillar" "Community creations crafted to celebrate the International"

"StoreBanner_Header_HerosHeirloom" "Hero's Heirloom"

"StoreBanner_Text_HerosHeirloom" "An awesome collection of Secret Shop items"

"StoreBanner_Header_ChampionsChest" "Champion's Chest"

"StoreBanner_Text_ChampionsChest" "A second awesome collection of Secret Shop items"

The name of the new International Unusual effect.

"UnusualInternational2014" "Champion's Purple"

New Kinetic gems found in a couple of the new Immortal items.

"DOTA_Anim_Mod_lodestar" "Flourishing Lodestar"

"DOTA_Anim_Mod_emp" "Empyrean"

The strings used for the side stage stat panels.

"dota_hero_picks_first_pick" "First pick of %s1 at The International"

"dota_hero_picks_times_picked" "Picked 1 time at The International"

"dota_hero_picks_times_picked_plural" "Picked %s1 times at The International"

"dota_hero_picks_record" "Record at The International:n%s1-%s2"

"dota_hero_picks_team_first_pick" "First pick of %s1 by %s2 in 6.81"

"dota_hero_picks_team_times_picked" "First pick of %s1 by %s2 in 6.81"

"dota_hero_picks_team_times_picked_plural" "%s1 picked by %s2 %s3 times in 6.81"

"dota_hero_picks_team_record" "%s1 record with %s2:n%s3-%s4"

"dota_hero_picks_player_times_picked_plural" "Most often played by %s1, %s2 times"

"dota_hero_picks_player_times_picked" "Most often played by %s1, 1 time"

"dota_hero_picks_player_record" "Record when played by %s1:n%s2-%s3"

"dota_hero_picks_player_kda" "Average KDA when played by %s1:n%s2"

"dota_hero_picks_player_gpm" "Average GPM when played by %s1:n%s2"

Unreleased Heroes Updates


Techies has had some updates to their model, materials and ability icons. Spleen and Squee are now wearing armour and the barrel has been redone so you can see Spoon peeping out.

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New ability icons.

Unreleased Cosmetic Items

Beastmaster's Items

The unreleased spitting lizard has had its textures updated.

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Legion Commander's Items

There is a new set in the game for Legion Commander that has been tagged in the Workshop by the Korean partner Nexon.

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Predictions For The Next Hero

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