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Diablo II Test Begins May 1

Blizzard and GameSpot give 100,000 gamers the chance to test Diablo II.


Today Blizzard announced a partnership with GameSpot and ZDNet to give 100,000 gamers the chance to stress test the Diablo II servers. Starting on May 1, 10am PST, people from across the world will be able to sign up at GameSpot for the chance to gain a coveted email with the access code and URL to download the 100MB file. The file will give access to and let players play the barbarian class and parts of Act I. Sign up continues through to May 7, ending at 9pm PST.

For more information and instructions, click on the link to the right to go to the Diablo II Stress Test sign up page. You can also visit our Diablo II Compendium for the latest information on the upcoming role-playing game.

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