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Destiny 2 Price Drops Lower Than Ever On PS4 And Xbox One In US

Amazon drops the game to just $25.


Yet another sale on Destiny 2 has arrived, this time with the best pricing (for most people) we've seen yet. Amazon has discounted both the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the base game for a limited time.

Right now, you can pick up either console version for just $25 (or, more precisely, $24.88) on Amazon. That beats the previous best price on the game, albeit not by much. It's also been on sale for $30 at Best Buy in the past, which meant Gamers Club Unlocked members could pick it up for $24, but this current $25 price is available to everyone; Amazon Prime is not required. There's no word on how long this deal will be available for, so you may want to act quickly if you're interested.

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Now Playing: Destiny 2: Curse Of Osiris Video Review

This deal comes just over a week after the release of the game's first DLC expansion. Unfortunately, as our Curse of Osiris review notes, it doesn't meaningfully improve on the base game's shortcomings. Destiny 2 itself is still very fun--you can read about it in our Destiny 2 review--and has expanded through free post-release updates, but in many ways it remains a work-in-progress for developer Bungie.

One other important thing to note for someone just coming to the game is that Curse of Osiris initially locked non-DLC owners out of some content they previously had access to. Bungie has since reversed course on this to some degree, but the harder, Prestige version of the weekly Nightfall remains Curse of Osiris-only. Additionally, there will be weeks where the Trials of the Nine multiplayer activity features an Osiris map, which means only those with the DLC will have access to it.

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