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Destiny 2 Players Are Using An Iron Banner Bug To Summon Sparrows, And It's Hilarious

Not the WipeOut sequel we were expecting, but we'll take it.


The first Iron Banner PvP event of Season of the Witch kicked off in Destiny 2 this week, but with an unexpected twist. As Bungie had previously detailed, its PvP got an injection of fresh content that included a new map, called Multiplex. A Vex Network-themed arena for Guardians to compete in, Multiplex also allows for players to summon their Sparrow rides, leading to some unintentional and chaotic action as players jet around the map on their high-tech vehicles.

Sparrows are disabled by default in PvP--pour one out for the Sparrow Racing League--and Bungie says that this is an unintentional bug that has popped up in its new multiplayer map. For now, the studio is embracing the chaos and leaving this bug in for a little longer. "Life... uh, finds a way, we guess," Bungie tweeted. "While not intentional, it looks [like] some PvP folks are enjoying the chaos, so we'll be leaving this bug in for a little longer."

Season 22 is in full swing in Destiny 2, adding a spooky new layer of content as players work to strengthen Eris Morn in her new--and temporary--role as the Hive god of Vengeance. This season and the upcoming Season 23 will lay the groundwork for next year's The Final Shape expansion, which will introduce a number of changes to the game.

The most prolific Warlock Super in the game, Well of Radiance, might be getting nerfed, future weapons won't just deal damage, and a new episodic model will replace the seasonal direction that Destiny 2 has used for several years.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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