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Dead Space Remake Livestream Coming May 12

Viewers can expect updates on the remake's lighting, environments, characters, and VFX.


EA has announced an upcoming developer livestream for the Dead Space remake. Developer Motive Studio will host the video broadcast this Thursday, May 12, during which the studio will talk about the game's art.

Art director Mike Yazijian and his team will discuss various topics during the livestream, including the Dead Space remake's lighting, environments, characters, and VFX, among other things.

The broadcast begins at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET on May 12. Everyone can watch through YouTube and Twitch, and GameSpot will report back with any notable updates when they are announced.

The new Dead Space is not a reboot or a remaster. It is a remake where "everything" has been re-built from the ground up, running on a new engine: Frostbite. EA says the new remake will be "respectful" of the original.

"It's being fully rebuilt in Frostbite," the studio has said. "With all new assets, new character models, new environments--even though we're basing those on the original designs. There are new parts, new props, new collision models, and so on. We're rebuilding everything from scratch, but we're keeping the same story and the same structure."

The Dead Space remake was originally expected in 2022, but is now slated for early 2023. The game is set for release on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

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