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Days Gone Release Date And New Trailer Revealed

Sony's survival horror game coming early next year.


Days Gone is looking more and more like fuel for your post-apocalyptic nightmares, and now we know when players will be able to get their hands on this PS4 exclusive. During its pre-E3 announcement video, PlayStation announced the game will release February 22, 2019. Get a look at the new release date trailer above.

Days Gone is set in an open world in the Pacific Northwest. The action-adventure/survival horror game puts you in the shoes of Deacon St. John, once an outlaw and now trying to survive in a devastated world. We don't yet know what caused the apocalypse, but it's resulted in some pretty scary occurrences. Freakers, zombie-like humans and animals that have become mindless and violent, travel the roads, and Deacon must evade and battle them. It looks like a challenge, as they tend to travel in fast-moving hordes, much like the zombies in World War Z.

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Now Playing: Days Gone - Official Trailer | E3 2018

While plot points are still mostly unknown, Sony is pitching Days Gone as a story-driven game, with a heavy emphasis on the "golden path" rather than on dozens of side quests like some other open-world games throw at you. In the release date trailer, we see new animal threats: mountain lions (or cougars) and infected ravens. There's also an ambush event, as Marauders torch an old vehicle and roll it onto the highway trying to knock Deacon from his bike. We're introduced to a new enemy human faction, called Rest In Peace, or R.I.P., who worship the Freakers and kill those who don't.

The game was originally slated for release in 2018 but was pushed back to 2019 in March. It's expected we could see more details about Days Gone revealed during Sony's E3 press conference on Monday, June 11. You'll be able to watch Sony's press conference here, and for all the latest news and updates on Days Gone and other games, check out GameSpot's full E3 coverage.

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