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Cyberpunk Slasher Ghostrunner Has A Free Next-Gen Upgrade

Players will need Ghostrunner digitally to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X version.


Developer One More Level has confirmed that its upcoming cyberpunk action-adventure game Ghostrunner will launch on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S/X as a free upgrade for those who own the current-gen version of the game on either console when it launches on October 27.

The only stipulation to gain access to the next-gen version of Ghostrunner is to buy the game digitally. If players purchase Ghostrunner on the Microsoft or PlayStation stores, they can upgrade to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series S/X version at no extra cost. Though the next-gen consoles drop this November, the next-gen version of Ghostrunner won't be available until 2021. An exact release date for these upgrades has not been announced as of yet.

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Now Playing: Ghostrunner: Exclusive Developer Walkthrough Reveals Cyberspace And New Powers

Ghostrunner is available for preorder right now on most platforms like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as well as PC via the Epic Games Store, GOG, and Steam. The game is also on sale on these platforms for 10-20% off until October 26 and those who preorder get two exclusive katana.

Ghostrunner is a one-hit-kill, hack-and-slash action-adventure game set in a dystopian future after a global cataclysm. Players take control of the resurrected Ghostrunner who can fight in the digital and physical space and must use their cybernetic implants to defeat the Keymaster.

In a Ghostrunner preview from June 2020, editor Alessandro Fillari was able to check out the expanded scope of the game, including some new powers and VR missions. Fillari walked away thrilled by Ghostrunner, saying the game's challenge made him "want to dive in again to perfect my effortless run through the dystopian city."

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