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Curse and Liquid become one

The two organizations unify under the Liquid banner.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

TL.LoL: IWDominate, Quas, FeniX, Piglet, Xpecial
TL.LoL: IWDominate, Quas, FeniX, Piglet, Xpecial

The first big news for 2015 comes from North America. It was announced that LCS participant Team Curse will join Team Liquid - one of the longest-standing community hubs for StarCraft and a multi-gaming organization. In a lengthy statement on the Liquid website, TL owner Victor 'Nazgul' Goossens outlined that from this point onward, he is a co-owner of the team together with the now former Curse manager Steve 'Liquid112' Archancet.

For the first time ever, Team Liquid officially takes a plunge into League of Legends with the former Curse line-up. The team is set to make its debut in the NA LCS later this month. In addition to acquiring the League of Legends team, Liquid has opened a new LoL dedicated section on their website.

Team Liquid.LoL:

  • Diego 'Quas' Ruiz - Top
  • Dominic 'IWDominate' Rivera - Jungler
  • Kim 'FeniX' Jae-hoon - Mid
  • Chae 'Piglet' Gwang-jin - AD Carry
  • Alex 'Xpecial' Chu - Support

Images courtesy of TeamLiquid and DailyDot

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