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CS:GO 4th June Patch - Matchmaking Cheater Solution

A small patch this week will make a big impact on cheater-impacted matchmaking matches


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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Although this week only sees 5 things changed in the weekly CS:GO patch, one of them will drastically change the way matchmaking will be played out from here on out. Namely, when a player is now banned from matchmaking, either through VAC or through the Overwatch initiative, all of his teammates and opponents who are impacted will see their skillgroup ratings untouched.

As a result not only is there a solution for premade cheaters, who are impossible to kick from the match making session during the match due to the necessary majority that's needed to kick them, but also for the ever increasing problem of matchmaking boosters - players who are paid to cheat and win for potential teammates in order to increase their skill group.

In addition to the major matchmaking solution there are also several small updated features including third-person commands and round-backups for community tournament servers.

The full changelog for the 4/6/2014 patch:


  • When a player has been banned for cheating (via VAC or Overwatch), all Skill Group adjustments from that player's recent wins will be reverted for their partied teammates as well as their opponents.

[ MISC ]

  • The "thirdperson" and related commands are now executable by servers (for mods and plugins).

  • Added a server convar (sv_allow_thirdperson) which allows servers to set players to third person mode.

  • The env_fog_controller entity now has a field and input to scale the amount fog is adjusted when players zoom (with scoped weapons).

  • Community tournament servers with built-in round backups enabled will automatically restore all player data upon reconnection and this in most cases will avoid having to load round backups.

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