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Cryo's E3 Lineup

New console titles in the pipe for Cryo Interactive.


Cryo Interactive announced its E3 console lineup today: Test Drive 6, Hellboy, Gift, and Open Tennis 2000. Test Drive 6 is destined for the PlayStation and features real-life driving locales such as New York, Paris, and London. Hellboy is a new PlayStation third-person action game based on the Dark Horse comic that Cryo promises will be full of exploration and combat.

The oddly named new title Gift, for the PlayStation and the Dreamcast, is an adventure game where a small, streetwise individual runs though a virtual world causing havoc with his charm. Cryo is remaining somewhat tight-lipped about Gift, though the company promises the game will strive for humor through a mixture of wacky and irreverent worlds.

Finally, Open Tennis 2000 will be coming to the Game Boy Color later this year, with its launch coinciding with the Wimbledon Tennis Championship. Stuart Furnival, Cryo's general manager, has stated that he believes that this will be his company's best year at E3.

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