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Crunch Time in College Football

By Monday we'll have our answers as to who will be playing for the 2004 NCAA college football championship. The top three teams in the nation all square off in either conference championship games (Oklahoma vs. Colorado in the Big 12 and Auburn vs. Tennessee in the SEC) or crucial rivalry games...


By Monday we'll have our answers as to who will be playing for the 2004 NCAA college football championship. The top three teams in the nation all square off in either conference championship games (Oklahoma vs. Colorado in the Big 12 and Auburn vs. Tennessee in the SEC) or crucial rivalry games (USC vs. UCLA). Finally, dark horse contender Cal has a make-up game with Southern Mississippi. On the surface all of these games (save perhaps for the Auburn/Tennessee match-up) look to be locks for the favorites. A loss by one of these teams, however, would likely set the BCS on its ear and complicate things even more than they already are.

As an Auburn fan, and an ardent believer in sports jinxes, I refuse to make any predictions. All I know is, I'll be up late tonight playing NCAA Football 2005, hoping to send some victorious love to my Tigers back east.

Who do you think will come out on top after the dust clears on Saturday?

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