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Confirmed N64 Rumble Pak Titles

Here's the list of games that pack a punch.


Peripheral maker Nyko has provided GS News with a list of upcoming Nintendo 64 games that will utilize the vibrating cartridge add-on known as the Rumble Pak, as well as Nyko's own similar device, the Thunder Pak.

Confirmed Pak Compatible Games:

Extreme G - Acclaim

Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey '98 - Midway Games

San Francisco Rush - Midway Games

Clay Fighter 63 1/3 - Interplay

Aero Fighters Assault/Sonic Wings Assault - Mc O'River/VideoSystem

Wild Choppers - Seta

Chameleon Twist - Japan System Supply

Art of Fighting Twin - Culture Brain

Fishing - Nintendo

WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour - TH*Q

Multi-Racing Championship - Ocean of America

Wave Race 64 (remixed) - Nintendo

Super Mario 64 (remixed) - Nintendo

Be sure to check out the VGS previews of Extreme G, Clay Fighter 63 1/3, Aero Fighters Assault, Wild Choppers, and Chameleon Twist.

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