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Codemasters signs The Turds

A series of free minigames featuring the toilet-oriented characters will be available online in the next few months.


Codemasters has announced a deal with Pacemaker UK to release a series of free, Web-based minigames featuring a set of characters called The Turds.

The first of the games, titled Donkey Pong and the Adventures of Rimdiana Jones, is available now at the dedicated site,, and adapts the traditional 2D platformer Donkey Kong to its own unique style.

Other characters to feature in forthcoming games include The Bogfather, Freddy Pooger, The Turdinator, Wayne Pooney, and Brave Fart.

The Turds franchise, including posters, figurines and soft toys already has a loyal fan base, and four further Web-based games will be rolled out in June and July.

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