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Codemasters Signs Rising Stars for Racing Game

Developers change the name for World Touring Car to Jarrett and Labonte Stock Car Racing after recent signings.


Codemasters revealed today that it has signed agreements with four upcoming racing stars for its latest racing game. Originally developed under the title World Touring Car, the game's name has been changed to reflect the participation of several new drivers from the international racing circuit.

Jason Jarrett, Justin Labonte, Lyndon Amick, and Hank Parker Jr. will be the four new racers to have their names attached to the product. The quartet will make several personal appearances at retail stores and racing events around the country to promote the release of the game. Planned features will remain intact, there will be a Championship Mode, a Quick Race Mode, Versus Mode, and more.

"These four young athletes, who are clearly among the most promising in the auto racing field today, are terrific examples of the next generation of young sportsmen," said Michael Hayes, Codemasters' worldwide director of sales and marketing. "They are both professionals and amateurs who have been playing computer and videogames longer than they have been driving. As such, they are perfectly matched to our company's commitment to signal to our customers - with high-profile licenses such as this one - that our games provide the freshest, the hottest gaming experiences around. In short, we provide the types of gaming experiences that these next generation stars demand and live by themselves."

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