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CoD: Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2.0 Season 1 Overhauls Battle Pass System

Call of Duty's battle pass looks much different for Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0.


Activision has revealed the roadmap for Season 1 of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2.0, and this inaugural season of content brings a major overhaul to how Call of Duty's battle pass works. While it sounds unnecessarily complex, it also should help players get the items they want faster.

Call of Duty Season 1 is set to bring new maps, weapons, and operators to Modern Warfare 2 and the launch of Warzone 2.0. There's also plenty of cosmetics, two weapons, and an operator available within the seasonal battle pass, but the pass will look much different this year.

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Instead of having a linear pass of 100 tiers of unlockable cosmetics and XP tokens, Modern Warfare 2 reinvents the battle pass as a multi-sector map. Players will unlock items using earned Battle Token Tier Skips across this map. Each map has at least 20 sectors with five items in each sector. Tokens can be used to either unlock adjacent sectors or earn more items within an unlocked sector.

Basically, these tokens allow players to unlock specific items with the battle pass at their own pace, skipping around to get the things they want. This means players can go for the sought after items like weapons and operator skins by unlocking those sectors first, and then continue the grind to unlock all sectors for 100% map completion and battle pass items.

Activision revealed Season 1's pass will include the Victus XMR sniper rifle and the BAS-P submachine gun. Zosar "Zeus" Kalu will be the operator within the pass. A full battle pass reveal will arrive sometime next week before the launch of Season 1 on November 16.

Make sure to check out all the details announced for Warzone 2.0 and DMZ mode, including the new circle mechanics and Gulag changes. Activision also announced the current Warzone is being re-branded as Warzone Caldera, and it's losing a lot of features and functionality.

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