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Coaching Carousel Continues to Spin

The silly season for coaching jobs in the NFL and college football seems to start earlier and earlier each year, doesn't it? First touched off several weeks ago with the firing of Ron Zook at Florida, this trend is most recently evident in the high-profile departures of the Cleveland Browns' Butch...


No Caption ProvidedThe silly season for coaching jobs in the NFL and college football seems to start earlier and earlier each year, doesn't it? First touched off several weeks ago with the firing of Ron Zook at Florida, this trend is most recently evident in the high-profile departures of the Cleveland Browns' Butch Davis and Notre Dame's Tyrone Willingham. Of course, the names go on and on: Lou Holtz (who retired and was immediately replaced with the ol' ball coach Steve Spurrier), Dave Wannstedt, Buddy Teevens, Fitz Hill--heck even Dartmouth's John Lyons--all got the axe or "resigned" amidst pressure.

How long before the coaching carousel hits the basketball realm? With teams like the Warriors, Nets, and Pistons (in the NBA) and Stanford (in the college game) all performing below expectations, heads may be preparing to roll in roundball as well. It's getting to the point where I'm concerned about my Dartmouth legacy in College Hoops 2K5. My Big Green started out a decent 2-2 but now that we've dropped a few conference games in a row, frankly, I'm a little worried...

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