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CandyPanda and SK Gaming part ways

The German AD Carry departs the organisation after a disappointing Worlds affair.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

Adrian 'CandyPanda' Wubbelman, the longest standing member of the old SK line-up is officially parting ways with the organisation. Bearing the SK flag for almost 3 years together with brief on and offs, Adrian will no longer represent the team. The player announced the split via twitter and stated that he is a free agent if there are interested parties out there.

Sources suggest former Copenhagen Wolves ace FORG1VEN is on try-outs with the SK team. In addition, NielXD (also known as Zvanillan) is also considered as a potential replacement. Zvanillan was a part of the first inception of SK Prime under the management of Joe 'InnerFlame' Elouassi.

CandyPanda joined SK Gaming in June 2011 together with Patrick 'Nyph' Funke, both hailing from - a German mix which finished 6th in the Season 1 Championship. Off the bat, the line-up established itself as one of the strongest in Europe, finishing third at IEM Guangzhou and runner-up at IEM New York, losing to CounterLogic Gaming and Fnatic respectively.

IEM Kiev became a turning point in Adrian's career. After a disappointing 4th place finish, SK replaced him with Bora 'YellowStar' Kim with whom they participated in the Season 2 World Championships in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, the line-up did not last long and CandyPanda returned along with a transformed and stronger SK Gaming - kev1n, hyrqbot, Ocelote, CandyPanda and Nyph, to participate in the first edition of the LCS.

SK Gaming during Season 3
SK Gaming during Season 3

The Spring split went well for the quintet - they reached the playoff stage, but were halted by an inspired EG squad. The true test became the Summer split which determined who went on to compete at the Season 3 World Finals. Unbeknownst to many, internal issues plagued the line-up and their inability to qualify for the largest LoL forum was the final straw. Going into Season 4, CandyPanda found himself once again surrounded by new teammates - rookie Jesiz, jungler Svenskeren, top laner Fredy122 and countryman nRated.

Season 4 was undoubtedly CandyPanda's most successful season. A second place in the Spring split and third in the Summer ensured that he would participate in the Season 4 World Championships in Seoul Korea. Unfortunately, SK could not overcome TSM and StarHorn Royal club to advance into the playoff stage.

Image courtesy of lolesports

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