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Call Of Duty: Warzone Hacker Gets Embarrassed By Riot Shield

Warzone players are still frustrated by cheaters in Infinity Ward's battle royale.


Hacking in Call of Duty: Warzone is a widespread problem, but it's wonderful to see cheaters lose. That's exactly what happened when one aimbot-using player got devastated by a friendly neighborhood riot shield.

A video shared on the Warzone subreddit shows a highly ranked player shooting into walls and ceilings, a strategy that usually means a player is using an aimbot. Except this time the hacker was unable to take out another player, who was hiding in the corner of a second story building, crouching behind a riot shield. The hacker tried to get close in order to take him out, but ended up falling to a few bashes from the shield.

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"I have noticed this less frequently since IW have introduced more anti cheat software but for three guys to have been cheating long enough to have all the camos and be max rank suggests it still has a long way to go," wrote Reddit user yeetmedaddi, who posted the video after getting killed by the hacker and his three teammates.

"Yes his hacking teammates killed our poor shieldy boi," he added.

Cheating has been a rampant problem in Warzone due to its cross-play capabilities between consoles and PC. Infinity Ward and Activision Blizzard have been struggling to keep up with dishonest players. The studio and publisher have tried adding account authentication, report functionality, and have even put cheaters in the same server together in order to tackle the problem. Infinity Ward has also banned tens of thousands of players who were caught cheating.

"I am tired of just seeing clips on this sub of people hacking and want to see more funny / good clips," yeetmedaddi wrote. "But until IW improve their system I can’t see anything changing."

Yeetmedaddi was frustrated by how highly leveled the cheaters were, meaning they could have been playing (and hacking) for a long time in order to unlock special gear. Other commentators pointed out that the hackers may have purchased the maxed out accounts.

Warzone's huge Season 4 update hit last night, bringing new live in-game events like Jailbreak, where everyone spectating and in the gulag are brought back to life at the same time, and a number of other challenges, bug fixes, and other changes. You can read Infinity Ward's patch notes for the update right here.

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