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Brighton rocks for UK developers

The industry comes together to pick over challenges, explain ideas, and hand out awards at this year's Develop Conference.


The Develop Conference, which takes place on July 12-13 this year in Brighton, England, is an annual gathering of the British gaming development community. As well as seminars on topics related to new technology and the challenges faced by the industry, the event also holds the annual Develop Awards--a ceremony that celebrates the achievements made by the UK industry in the past year.

Among the speakers lined up for presentations this year are: Lionhead's Peter Molyneux, Q Entertainment's Tetsuya Mizuguchi, and Sports Interactive's Miles Jacobson, with topics on offer as diverse as "DirectX 10 for Techies," "I'm with the Brand: Developers as the Stars," and "PlayStation 3: A Parallel Universe."

The Develop Awards nominees this year include Rockstar Leeds, Sports Interactive, Rebellion, and SCEE Liverpool across 18 separate categories. A full list of the categories and nominees can be found on the Awards Web site. GameSpot UK will be at the event to bring you news of the key issues and award winners.

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