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Battlefield 5's New War Stories Trailer At E3 2018 Shows The Campaign's Dark, Emotional Tone

"Beautiful...and unsettling"


With lots of attention being paid to Battlefield V's multiplayer and battle royale modes, Microsoft showcased a little more of the game's story mode during its E3 2018 press conference. The teaser was very short, but went a long way in portraying the atmosphere and tone of the game's plot, set during World War II. You can watch it in the video above.

The video, which features voiceover in Norwegian, is a glimpse at the story of a young Norwegian soldier, fighting to stay alive during the German occupation. While we knew that the Nordlys campaign would be one of the "War Stories" that form the story mode, you can get a sense of the dark, emotional, survival-like atmosphere that will dominate that campaign.

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Now Playing: Battlefield V War Stories Trailer | E3 2018 Xbox Press Conference

EA also showcased another short glimpse of the Nordlys campaign during its press conference on June 9. Battlefield V's story mode, which will also be playable in co-op, will tell stories that "may be unfamiliar to players" instead of the well-known ones from Battlefield 1942. The characters you play approach the war from the perspective of saving their family members, rather than saving the world.

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