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Azubu Partners with Brightcove

As Azubu prepares for a relaunch, they have chosen Brightcove to fulfill their media solutions.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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Announced at the 2014 National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas, Azubu will partner with Brightcove’s media solutions. The website currently uses other Brightcove services for video playback and ad insertion.

Azubu’s CEO, Ian Sharpe, commented on the partnership:

“High-quality broadcasts are the cornerstone of what makes Azubu such an appealing eSports destination; providing these broadcasts all around the world is far more complex than serving just one region, but eSports is a global phenomenon and it deserves--at long last--a global broadcast platform”

Sharpe went on to say:

“Through our reliance on Brightcove technology, viewers can enjoy optimal viewing of high-quality programming. Our viewers will enjoy a lean-back experience, without lag time or disconnects. Brightcove also makes it easy for us to derive revenue from tournament streams in order to continue to serve gaming enthusiasts at the highest level.”

Brightcove CEO, David Mendels also spoke on the partnership, saying:

"Azubu is a prime example of a media company that is truly at the cutting edge of video delivery and live broadcasting across platforms. We are thrilled to partner with Azubu to deliver eSports competitions in real-time to the company’s massive audience anywhere in the world.”

Brightcove also recently announced updates to their product Zencoder. Zencoder will now allow ultra fast HD streaming to compliment the diverse needs of broadcasters and other professional content providers.

Jon Dhal, vice president of technology at Brightcove said: "Brightcove Zencoder helped to unlock a new generation of Internet video use cases by providing companies such as AOL, the Wall Street Journal, PBS and Funny or Die with an API that offers nearly limitless encoding power”

This announcement is consistent with plans to relaunch web and mobile platforms in April 2014.

“As a result of Azubu’s change in management, there is a strategic focus on forming partnerships with existing teams and players across the spectrum of eSports", Azubu said in a statement provided to onGamers.

Just two weeks ago, Azubu secured 34.5 Million dollars in funding from Sapinda Group.

Sharpe spoke on the funding, saying: “Our strategic goal with Sapinda is to do what's necessary to grow the eSports ecosystem -- to make a bigger pie, so to speak -- and to raise the bar of eSports broadcasting."

It was also recently announced that Azubu has also brought Leaguepedia founder Matt Gunnin on board as Director of Content.

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