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Assassin's Creed Valhalla Rings In Yule With Feasts, Drunken Brawls

Celebrate the holidays like a viking with archery challenges and special cosmetics now in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla is getting its first drop of seasonal content, and coming as it is right near the holidays, it's a festive one. The Yule Season brings new limited-time activities, as detailed on the Assassin's Creed blog.

For starters, you can expand your settlement and build a Reveller's Hut, which will host various festivals throughout the year. The first such one is the Yule Festival, which will last through January 7. During the festivities, Ravensthorpe is going to be snowier than usual, and you can take part in activities like archery challenges and drunken brawls. Just like holidays with the family!

Completing those activities will earn you Yule Tokens that you can redeem for rewards at the Festival Shop. Those include cosmetic items like tree ornaments and a cozy fire pit, as well as a full set of Mōdraniht gear: a ceremonial outfit, tattoo set, seax, and shield. Keep in mind you can only claim these rewards during the Yule Festival, so make sure you get them before they're gone.

Ubisoft also previewed the next big content drop coming in February with the River Raid update. The new River Raid mode will include three new maps that offer tons of gear, silver, and upgrades. You'll also be able to build a new Jomsviking Hall in your settlement so you can recruit more Jomsvikings for your raids.

Ubisoft prepared for this festival event with an update that also fixed some game-breaking bugs.

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